Yesterday I wrote about Mama Gena and Driftwood. I also mentioned that I had two favorite Mama Gena tips. Well, here's the second one.
WARNING! Explicit and genital-laced language coming up... (Though it should be entertaining at best, mildly amusing and offensive at worst.)
This is my interpretation of it and trust me, it works.
As women, we sometimes, or even often, feel disconnected from ourselves and especially what essentially makes us female. Our hormones and especially, our vaginas (henceforth affectionately referred to as pussies).
When feeling disconnected, un-sexy and unturned-on, think about your pussy. Now I've coached a few females through this, and sometimes they need more to go on than merely thinking about their pussy (or as Marcus would say, your who-who).
So, how's this? If, when you think about your pussy you don't get a warm and luscious feeling, then think about your pussy when you've been most aroused or pleasured at your own or another's hand (figurative hand, of course - it could be another appendage or fun-shaped object doing the arousing). Another tip - you know how you can flex certain muscles by thinking about them and isolating that muscle? Like your glut or ass muscle, flex it as you read this just once or twice. You can isolate the cheeks, right? Well, do that with your pussy. Think about it and flex it. Now think about your pussy with what I like to call it warm regard. If you have trouble with warm regard, remember how you think of a valued friend or family member - this is not to sexualize anyone but to bring up that feeling of warmth, compassion, care and love. Got it? Good.
As you flex your pussy, think about your pussy with warm regard.
You should feel something now. If you don't, relax, and try it again.
That's the second Mama Gena tip that I find most valuable. She doesn't describe it like I do, but I find a little more explanation sometimes helps. Mama Gena recommends thinking about your pussy while you flirt. I find that to be useful and effective for raising the temperature on your flirting, but if thinking about your pussy doesn't automatically turn you on, sometimes you need the flex and warm regard concepts to get you going. After a while, like Pavlov discovered, it'll become automatic. Ring the bell on your own pussy.
It will also make you attractive to men. Why? Well, in my experience, it makes me feel...warm, flushed, a little wet, and like I have a secret. Also, I suspect it activates some pheromones that men unconsciously smell and pick up on. One last note (from the book Marcus and I are working on): Typically, women are attracted to purpose in men; men are attracted to fulfillment in women. This experience of thinking about your pussy or as I am now calling it, feeling your pussy, automatically creates a sense of fulfillment in women, which is extremely attractive to men because they (subconsciously) conclude that you already are fulfilled and that you could most likely fulfill them.
You dig?
Try it out and please, let me know how it goes.
One last note. My favorite Mama Gena book, if you're intrigued and want to follow the links directly below to amazon to get your own Mama Gena book, is Mama Gena's Owner's and Operator's Guide to Men. It's amusing, light, fluffy, but has genuinely good tips. Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts is good as well, but O&O is my favorite.
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