My Favorite Things...Boots
Ever since women had disposable income, or had a man with disposable income and/or the means to tan leather and stitch it together to make something, women have been wearing boots and loving them.
My favorite boots for performing are these fabulous, over-the-knee boots that I love to wear with a short skirt, with short-shorts (with diamond-cut fish-nets), and over skinny jeans or tights. I don't have a good picture of mine, but here's a similar pair. Mine are Kenneth Cole and I wore them so much I had to get the top of the heel redone. I can't find them online anywhere, but that makes sense because I got them about five years ago. The only thing similar by Kenneth Cole is a short-heel version. I adore the Christian Louboutin version, but have agreed to only get them when I make my first million which is just around the corner so I should probably check at their LA store for my size. Mine are slightly shorter than the Louboutin's and of course are missing the trademark red sole, but all-in-all, they've done me well.
But the high heel, over the knee boots are not really made for walking, at least not long distances.
But the following boots are made for walking. Here's my favorite boots that really are made for walking:
Ugg Boots. Copper. Tall.
These are very good for walking, but I still resisted getting a pair for a long time. Then I saw these copper, tall boots and I finally gave into the years-old fashion trend. I love that you can wear them barefoot. I'm sure my feet will thank me.
Minnetonka Lace-up Knee High Fringe Boots
I resisted buying these for a while too, but ultimately decided they were the boots for me! They go with everything, are very comfortable for walking and all-day wear, but they're also feminine and cute and they go with everything. I like the brown color (which is a carmel-color and is lighter than the "dusty-brown" color). But I may have to get the black boots as well because I love mine.
Note: Be gentle when you tighten the laces and tie them, the laces are leather and if you pull too hard you may tear them.
Let me know your favorites, ladies. And walk on!
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