Variety is usually good. At least as far as I'm concerned. But have you noticed that tiredness is different depending on what has made you tired?
Right now I'm tired because I'm over-worked (70 hrs a week right now), and underpaid (how much would be enough for 70 hours a week? =not sure there is enough - maybe if I really LOVED my job). Don't get me wrong, I like my job. Which is more than many people can say...but this blog is not about this job.
This blog is supposed to be about the different varieties of being tired.
Have you noticed that feeling tired from playing too much feels so good? Like when you were a kid in the summertime and you were out playing from sunrise to sunset and you come home, eat, and just basically pass out. I loved that feeling of playing hard and sleeping so soundly a bear could come tearing through your bedroom and you'd probably just roll over.
Right now I'm tired because I'm over-worked (70 hrs a week right now), and underpaid (how much would be enough for 70 hours a week? =not sure there is enough - maybe if I really LOVED my job). Don't get me wrong, I like my job. Which is more than many people can say...but this blog is not about this job.
This blog is supposed to be about the different varieties of being tired.
Have you noticed that feeling tired from playing too much feels so good? Like when you were a kid in the summertime and you were out playing from sunrise to sunset and you come home, eat, and just basically pass out. I loved that feeling of playing hard and sleeping so soundly a bear could come tearing through your bedroom and you'd probably just roll over.
But there are different kinds of tired. The aformentioned, and others as well. There's tired with a headache (brought on from too much computer use or crying babies -of which I have none of my own but have been around enough - babies that is). Tired from traveling- which might be one of the worst because then, to add insult to injury, you have to sleep in a foreign bed or travel more to get to the foreign bed. Yuck. And then there's tired from insomnia from an over-active brain when obsessing about something or just working on a problem way too hard. (Because, really, who ever solved a problem constructively by over-thinking?) That might be worse than traveling-tired. Am I discovering lower-levels of tiredness? This is not a good sign.
One more: Tired from staying up so late with friends who make you laugh so much, your sides and cheeks hurt, and your whole body is tired from the strain of laughing more in a few short hours than you did during the entire Bush administration (laughing was banned during the Bush administration - it was ruled unpatriotic by the patriot act).
So tired leads to sleep. But you know how sometimes you make yourself stay up past being tired to get something done (like work for me right now) and then you realize much to your own dismay that you've pushed yourself past being tired and you can't sleep. I hate when that happens!
So goodnight. And sometimes, even when the tired is induced from a favorable activity (another example: thanksgiving dinner), it can help with a rant, or potentially give you better dreams, or at the very least, give you something to blog about.
Lastly, apologies for being over-parenthetlcal. Recently-discovered side-effect of being overly-tired. Also, over-use of hyphens-another side-effect.
So tired leads to sleep. But you know how sometimes you make yourself stay up past being tired to get something done (like work for me right now) and then you realize much to your own dismay that you've pushed yourself past being tired and you can't sleep. I hate when that happens!
So goodnight. And sometimes, even when the tired is induced from a favorable activity (another example: thanksgiving dinner), it can help with a rant, or potentially give you better dreams, or at the very least, give you something to blog about.
Lastly, apologies for being over-parenthetlcal. Recently-discovered side-effect of being overly-tired. Also, over-use of hyphens-another side-effect.
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