Well, I'd like to propose another edict, but you have to send me the resulting pictures so I can compile and share them.
Instead of walking in another man's (or woman's) shoes, how about posing in another person's hair? It's much less unpleasant than it sounds.
Whether you have long hair, short hair, no hair, straight hair or curly hair, we all at some point have had some sort of hair envy or at the very least, hair curiosity (henceforth known as hairiosity) about what it would be like to have a different kind of hair than what our genetic lottery bestowed upon us.
So here's what you do to explore your own hairiosity. You need at least three people. To start with, one person will be the temporary hair donor and they have to possess medium length to long hair. That's the only limitation. It also works best if you have a chair or couch. Here's the set up: You take the subject, who's getting the temporary hair transplant, and have them sit down in the chair. The temporary "donor" stands behind them. The photographer helps style the hair and takes the photo so that the "donor" is framed out of the picture for the majority of the pictures. You'll want to have at least one picture that shows the whole scene for the behind-the-scenes photos.
It's fun and hilarious and silly for those participating, and I really love looking at the pictures too. Please do this on your own with your friends and neighbors, and send me the photos! I'll compile them and continue to update my hair segment of KS World.
Here are the hair sessions I've done with my friends. I plan on more in the near future.
This is Erika. Doesn't she look asian with my hair? You'll see her real hair on me in future photos. She is one of the best temp hair donors ever because she has this long, curly hair. Those orange-cloaked arms belong to yours truly. The photog was still learning how to frame. This one's better:
Here are the guys hanging with us that night.
I swear they all look straight out of twisted sister, or maybe Spinal Tap. Or maybe just the early 90s.
I always wondered what it would be like to have dread locks... so I could look up and ponder things in them. One little photo shoot doesn't tell enough, I suppose, but I do look rather Rastafarian, don't you think?
Last, but certainly not least, my favorite hairiosity photos of me with Erika's fabulously full and curly hair. This doesn't even look like me, but rather like my long-lost crazy Jewish cousin from Long Island (pronounced with a hard "g" on Long, and a long "eye" and "a" for Eye-land.)
Please try it for yourselves and send me your hairiosity photos with the story so I can compile and post them.
Here's one more behind-the-scenes shot of the maiden hairiosity voyage with Sally (and Gabriela - off camera).
- And All the Cows Said Moo, TWO!
- A Luke-warm Mess
- Let Go! Your Children Know More Than You Think
- Are you hungry for change? So is Food, Inc.
- Liberating yourself from your own fears
- The smallest non-child, non-midget person I've ever seen
- Stupid trumps hot
- The 15 Things that Pasteurization Kills
- A hugging, laughing, happy mess
- The HPV vaccination could be more dangerous than what it "prevents"
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- It's all about interpretation
- Have you forgotten how glorious you are?
- The best reason for DONUTS
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- James Cameron was robbed!
- What do you want?
- The Real British Invasion or...Hey there Brit, how's your American accent?
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- Farts
- Love & Hate. Drugs & Rebellion.
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- If Richard Pryor had a period...
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- Hello, my name is Temple Grandin.
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- My Addendum to "Choose a Job You Love..."
- The Primal Diet & Running
- Chop Wood, Carry Water, Do Taxes
- The male member revealed
- Play with the Girls
- How to tame the psycho hose beast
- Oh boy, that's a good question! or How to Deal with the Census
- These boots were made for walking
- If I were a Ninja, I'd wear these shoes
- How my friend Sally became the new First Lady
- My Boyfriend has Autism...Maybe
- Raw Primal Papaya Custard - The Nectar of the Gods
- And All the Cows Said Moo!
- If you were John Mayer, you would too
- Tiredness - Varieties of and unforeseen side-effects
- Foreplay is overrated
- Food should be As God Intended or Why isn't everything we eat organic?
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- The Cove - Louie Psihoyos' Oscar speech & a guide on how to create change...
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- My Favorite Shows on Television...or how David Duchovney & Jesus are likely Good in Bed
- The Hawaiian Islands and Washington D.C.’s sand-paper circle-jerk about Health Care
- My Buddha has Termites...A Lesson in Infinite Joy
- The One-Date-Wonders!
- I had to learn SIGN LANGUAGE when I moved to Los Angeles
- Guys can make a game out of anything
- Hello? The power of CONNECTING and how technology has changed things
- Popping the question is better than porn!
- Bravo, Stephen Colbert & Co! and your Olympic Vancouverage
- Songwriting is like SEX
- Born To Run by Christopher McDougall - Inspiring a inspiring all of us to be more in the FLOW
- A moment of silence for all the plastic surgery casualties
- Ricky Gervais should be the new Simon on American Idol
- Muscle SURPRISE! The key to physical, mental & emotional fitness
- I think my boyfriend's a snake...
- Release... Sweat & Power
- MY FAVORITE THINGS! - Vibram's Five Fingers
- Dick Morris... How do you sleep at night?
- Rusty DePass, Gorillas, and Obama, oh my!
- Michael Jackson - Troubled Genius
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