Although it's been a few months since The Academy Awards, I still feel compelled to say my piece about James Cameron, Avatar, and Mr. Oscar that went to his ex-wife.
Now I liked The Hurt Locker. I thought it was extremely well done on all levels. Writing, directing, acting, and editing. It was moving and disturbing. I was very happy that Kathryn Bigelow won for best director. I thought she deserved the Oscar.
But Avatar deserved the Oscar for best picture, absolutely.
My theory is, filmmakers are jealous. You see, previous nominees and winners of Academy Awards vote for who wins. While it's a larger pool of voters than say, The Golden Globes, which is something like eight people or something (not really, I believe it's around 80 people), they are not immune to bias. Maybe Cameron isn't friendly enough at industry cocktail parties. I don't know. Maybe they're all tired of his unbridled success, notoriety and monetary gain. But the Academy awards aren't supposed to be a popularity contest, they're supposed to....What are they supposed to do? Oh, right. Congratulate and acknowledge filmmakers and actors for achievement in entertainment or some such thing. Now I have worked in filmmaking and enjoy watching films immensely, but it is a very self-congratulatory industry. It's basically one big advertisement for celebrities and films. Imagine education. What if education had a show, watched by millions of people, celebrating the best teachers in the country. Maybe we wouldn't be closing schools, laying off teachers, and cutting educational programs like arts and physical fitness. But alas, it seems the powers that be believe no one would watch that awards show.
Anyway. That's my piece. Avatar should have won the Oscar for Best Picture. I agree with Kathryn Bigelow's win for Best Director.
One last note. I recently watched James Cameron's Aliens of the Deep
, which is a deep-sea documentary Cameron did between Titanic and Avatar. Did anyone else notice he didn't really make any big motion pictures between Titanic and Avatar? Anyway, I heard an interview with Cameron in which he states, "I'm still young enough to do the more active things like going in rovers and doing deep sea photography, so I took ten years off after making Titanic to do those kinds of projects.
Did you notice the glowing forest in Avatar looks very similar to some deep sea photography of self-generating-light-up organisms? Well, I kind of suspected Cameron got his inspiration from deep sea life and I think I was right. While the documentary isn't nearly as dramatic as Avatar or Cameron's other films, it is definitely worth seeing. Also, I applaud Cameron for doing what he wanted with his time, money, and energy. Titanic was a big, huge hit. Almost as big as Avatar. Instead of making more big blockbuster films, Cameron went and made documentaries about stuff that really intrigued him. I feel as though he's a fellow inspiration hunter like me. I like that.
I really did like the glowing forest in Avatar.
Oh, and Cameron still got the last laugh, it seems. Avatar is reportedly the highest grossing film of all time, at $2.72 billion. So maybe he wasn't exactly robbed considering the film cost $240 million to make. That's a pretty big profit. Though money isn't everything. Just ask James Cameron's face when he lost the Academy Award to his ex-wife.
Still, I loved Avatar.
Still, I loved Avatar.
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