Buckle your seat belts, put on your helmets, roll down the prophylactics, and strap on if that's your flavor, because this is going to be a short, bumpy, and abrupt ride.
For years I've said stupid trumps hot.
What does that mean? Well, it seems obvious enough to me, but let me expound for all my readers out there.
I don't care how hot you are. If you're stupid, the stupid is always louder and more glaring than any attractiveness, handsomeness or hotness you might possess.
Now I understand that some men may disagree with me. One of my oldest friends, who we'll call Jay, used to say, "I don't believe in one-night stands. I've never had one... but I've had a lot of eight-hour relationships."
What this tells me is that men will put aside their critical mind (who needs it when the blood is rushing elsewhere?) for a night of hot sex with some gorgeous woman regardless of what she has going on upstairs.
No, I don't mean her tits, I mean her brain. Eyes on the prize, people.
But I believe any man over the age of...I don't know 25, and with more than 5 notches on his bedpost will attest to the fact that women who have some intelligence, and especially personality, sometimes even the crazy ones (though please, please stay away from the crazy and stupid ones - they're just Trouble with a capitol T!) are always more fun in bed.
I will even go so far to say that as long as they're not too crazy, personality and intelligence will create a better relationship. If that's what you're looking for...
Now for most women I know, a stupid guy is intolerable. That's part of why girls who are twenty date men who are thirty-something or older. It's not that we like silver foxes, necessarily, it's just that it's painful to try to maintain anything other than a few (men in their early twenties are usually good for one-three goes in one night) energetic throw-downs. After a few months of habitually eye-rolling at our 22-year-old boyfriends (I remember this clearly from when I was in my late teens/early twenties), we'll gladly trade a few extra romps for some intelligent conversation and maturity.
So, in closing. Stupid trumps hot. Every time.
Every time.
You dispute? Leave it in the comments, suckas!
Also, stupid trumps rich too. Always.

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Katie: of course, and well observed... almost indisputable even. However you did overlook one rare migratory bird known as a Trifecta, which unfortunately skews your theory. A Trifecta is usually a twenty something girl who is simultaneously hot, stupid and blissfully unaware of either condition. The reason they are so sought after is not only because they can turn a standard eight hour relationship into a twelve to sixteen hour relationship but they can also repeat indefinitely. Groundhog Night. Sure everyone loves variety but consistency has real investment value... just ask Goldman Sachs!