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Sunday, May 30, 2010

A New Homeostasis, part deux

As promised, here's part two of A New Homeostasis.

Predictably, ironically, and hilariously, I read part one yesterday after it went out, and found several odd typos and grammatical errors. I typed most of it from the park on my iphone, and frankly, it types a little funny for me, even after over a year's ownership. But how funny, a blog about being patient and gentler with myself, and I got on my own case about typos in my blog. Geesh! This growth is right on time! Fortunately, it didn't last long as Marcus and I started laughing about it soon after I made a disparaging comment about my typos.

But back to the promised answer to the question, What on earth is happening in your life that you're experiencing such resistance?

Well. It's worth noting that I haven't experienced this level of resistance for years. Perhaps it's because  I've been unknowingly training myself to adapt to change for many years. All that hobby-whoring and moving around helped abate resistance from ordinary levels of change.

So the change that's happening for me must be profound.

But it doesn't seem that profound... so I suppose that's why it took me a minute to realize the irritability was a sign of resistance to change.

Here's what's happening, in list form to help me keep it straight.

  • I'm in a relationship with a man who I can actually see myself spending the rest of my life with, and he feels the same way! Though other men have teased about marriage or I'd fantasized a little about men I thought I wanted to marry, never before has it been so...easy and sure. (Though I'm in no rush to make it legal, truth be told.)
  • I'm training as a hypnotherapist, and subsequently receiving hypnotherapy and exploring my subconscious programming. I thought my degree in spiritual psychology would've brought up serious resistance, and I suppose it did, but for some reason during my two-year master's program, I had the perpetual medication of talking things out in class sessions - therefore giving my ego lots to distract it as I was changing, which I did in profound ways during that experience. The hypnotherapy stuff seems to deal more deliberately with the subconscious mind, and so my RM is bucking more profoundly.
  • I'm setting a foundation for the life I've always dreamed about. I've always fantasized about a life that is some combination of having a family, great friends, a career in music and entertainment, teaching and helping people, starting a spiritual and educational center, expressing myself through writing and music, eating and living healthy, being happy, successful, and actualized. Well, all these things seem to the works. Marcus and I are writing books on relationships. I'm writing a blog on a regular basis. I'm recording music that is much more commercially viable (my past recordings were great for me, but their marketability was much more narrow than what I'm creating now.) We just created the name and title of a spiritual center. I'm helping people through my spiritual psychology and hypnosis training. I'm enjoying life and laughing every day. The ball has started rolling on a television show Marcus and I are creating with a friend. You get the idea? A ground swell is starting.
  • Also, I've been doing a process called Mental Bank (MB) that I learned through HMI (Hypnosis Motivation Institute). Basically, it's something you do for about 5 minutes before sleep and it helps reprogram the subconscious mind so you continue doing things that are positive and help propel you forward into the life you want, as well as creating more income. Well, since I've been doing MB, money has indeed started to come in from unexpected sources. As much as my RM wants to excuse this as other things, realistically, I've gotten more checks in the mail than I did prior to doing the MB.

All of these things are creating the perfect storm for my RM to freak out a little. Look at the definition:
Homeostasis: the tendency of a system, esp. the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus tending to disturb its normal condition or function.
From what I understand, humans are designed to return to homeostasis. For most of human existence it was essential for survival. But in modern society, that means that when we are making any change, especially positive change, our RM will fight the change to bring us back to homeostasis.

About twenty-four hours into this resistance, I realized I'm simply creating a new homeostasis, so that I can have the life that I truly want. It's a bit uncomfortable at times. Actually, it's a lot uncomfortable at times, but since I realized what's happening, I can sort of weather the storm.

Share if you've noticed this for yourself. It can be in the form of yo-yo dieting or weight loss/gain, sabotaging a new job, resisting a new exercise regimen or injuring yourself within one, or it can be in the form of bailing on a new relationship because it was different than previous relationships. 

Just know that creating a new homeostasis is what's happening and the discomfort will abate once the new homeostasis is established.

By the way, one of my favorite books that talks a lot about resistance and art and self-expression is The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield. I highly recommend this book.

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1 comment:

  1. Love this Katie! Couldn't wait for today's installment. I almost texted you to ask you what today's blog was going to say...LOL! I so know this resistance, and it used to prevent me from trying new things or quite simply step out of my comfort zone. When i am aware of it, for instance, when I am offered a job that scares me a little, I know for sure I need to take it (all things considered) because there is probably some real growth there for me!

