Just over a year ago, I learned that sunscreen might actually increase the occurrence of skin cancer. My first thought was, No way! I thought sunscreen was one of the things that doctors and authorities had right. Remember that "Wear Sunscreen" thing Baz Luhrman did (written by Mary Schmich for the Chicago Sun Times) a few years back? I agreed at the time. If nothing else, wear sunscreen. Everybody agrees.
Apparently, I was wrong. As were most authorities about sunscreen.
My favorite internet M.D., Dr. Mercola, did a video on it to make my life easier because he explains it much more scientifically than I could. But I will mention these key points:
- The use of sunscreen blocks our body's natural production of vitamin D, which is an essential hormone (not actually a vitamin) that helps prevent cancer!
- Virtually all commercial sunscreens are made with toxins that absorb into the skin (think about it - why do pain & nicotine & birth-control patches work - because they ABSORB right into your system - sunscreen does the same thing and it's toxic!)
- Rule of thumb: If you wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't put it on your skin!
- It's good to avoid over-exposure from the sun so you don't damage your skin (watch for when skin turns slightly pink according to Dr. Mercola, or 10-30 minutes maximum light-skinned people during peak hours)...but
- Hats, clothing & shade (trees, umbrellas) are the go-to "screens" to protect skin against over-exposure. Sunscreen, it turns out, is not the ideal option.
- Some natural sunscreens are ok (but check the ingredients - Dr. Mercola explains this on his site as well)
- Preventing all cancer, but especially skin cancer, depends greatly upon what we eat. (Dr. Mercola talks about this on the video.) The more organic, raw (dairy, good fish/meat & low-cellulose vegetables), unprocessed (little to no: processed foods, GMOs, high-fructose corn syrup or anything on the ingredients list that sounds like a science experiment) foods we eat, the higher our chances of warding off cancer. Since I've been eating a more raw and organic diet, I don't sunburn as easily even though I've been wearing absolutely no sunscreen! When I do get a little pink my skin turns tan much more quickly. I guess this healthy eating stuff really works... Just ask my skin (& hair).
Here's his video & link to
Dr. Mercola's page on sunscreen. He does make and sell a non-toxic sunscreen, but it still contains titanium dioxide, which I don't really like, though his product is still probably better than most out there. (I must admit, anyone touting their own product makes me immediately suspicious, but after listening to this guy and reading through his website, I believe his intentions are positive. I also think he got tired of all the sub-par "natural" products out there and just decided to make his own. So whether or not you buy his sunscreen which contains that not-great titanium dioxide, I think his information and research are very sound. Enjoy the video and enjoy the sun and outdoors this summer, just enjoy it all well-informed and with conscious sun-exposure, large hats & shade!
"If You Use Sunscreen, This is Urgent Information You Must Have"
Sunscreen blocks your body's production of vitamin D. Most brands contain toxic free radical generators which I believe can increase your risk of disease. Here's the ultimate way to protect yourself this summer…
You may be one of those people for whom summer is far too short!
But like it or not, most of you only have a few short months to enjoy the great outdoors in most of the continental US. Why waste it dealing with the two most vexing hassles of the outdoor summer season?
After spending six or more months stuck inside buildings under cover from rain, snow and sleet, you rush out and spend all day on a Saturday or Sunday in the sun. Not only is the golf course beckoning, but so is yard work, the kids' sporting events, and the grill.
It's easy to overdo your sun exposure in your quest to finally spend some time outdoors... especially when your skin is lily-white from being inside for months -- and not used to the sun.
There are many simple lifestyle changes you can make to radically decrease your risk of sunburn, such as choosing your essential fatty acids wisely, increasing raw vegetables loaded with skin protecting antioxidant phytonutrients, and avoiding processed foods and sugars.
I go into more details in the video so be sure and watch it.
Clothing Can Protect You -- Especially Caps
Additionally you can use clothing wisely to avoid sun induced skin damage. My favorite is a cap which allows me to avoid wearing sunglasses and benefit from all of the 1500 wavelengths in sunshine. But the cap also keeps the sun off the very thin skin around my eyes which is particularly sensitive to photoaging damage from the sun.
However if you are looking for an additional level of protection beyond clothing then my team has come up with something that will really work for you and your family.
Daytime sun isn't the only summer headache you can have.
Ever been out on a beautiful summer evening enjoying the afterglow of sunset and onset of stars -- only to have it ruined by ten thousand pesky mosquitoes? Or was that ten million? In several states, mosquitoes have been dubbed the "state bird". Nasty little critters!
In a damp year, mosquitoes don't limit themselves to evening warfare either.
They love sultry, still, humid days ... and parks, campgrounds, wooded and swampy areas, and even your own backyard in broad daylight! Hard to escape them! Worse, they'll sneak into your house and buzz around your bedroom while you try to sleep.
Now, you could try solutions like DEET-based insect repellents -- but I certainly don't recommend it. In a moment, I'll tell you why that's a non-solution, and provide you with a viable all-natural alternative.
Equip yourself now to have a ton more fun this summer with this Summer Survival Kit ...
The Case AGAINST Using Sunscreen -- Even "Natural" Ones -- Except for This NEW Exclusive Lotion from Acapulco...
It's true.
I normally advise against using sunscreens. Even most "all-natural" sunscreens.
As a subscriber to my weekly newsletters, you may already know this. And if you aren't familiar with the reasons, I'll share them with you in a moment. But first, I need to get something off my chest.
Natural sunlight's potential to harm you has really been blown out of proportion. This is thanks to many doctors, health officials, advertisements, beauty experts, corporations, and well-meaning friends. They basically tell you that you need to stay out of the sun because the sun will kill you. This simply isn't true.
For starters, there is little scientific evidence to justify the many health campaigns that urge you to completely avoid the sun. Avoiding the sun just doesn't make sense. And it certainly doesn't make any sense when study after study shows that ...
The Sun is Not Deadly
In fact, the sun is healthy for you. Think about it. How could it be any other way?
After all, your ancestors survived outdoors, working outside under the sun's rays far more often than they were indoors and out of the sun.
This brings up an obvious question.
How on earth would it be possible for your body to end up being configured in such a way that the sun is now a deadly threat to you, me, and the entire human race?
Like I said, it simply isn't true.
That's not to say sunlight can't be harmful. Of course, it can be...
For instance, long-term, excessive exposure to sunlight can increase the risk of certain types of skin cancer. Yet moderate sun exposure is less dangerous than sporadic sun exposure.
Plus, there's a good deal of evidence that sun exposure without sunburn significantly decreases the risk of melanoma (a more deadly form of skin cancer.) So safe sun exposure is key.
What You Should Know About UVA and UVB Rays
Ultraviolet light from the sun comes in two main wavelengths -- UVA and UVB. It's important for you to understand the difference between them, and your risk factors from each.
Consider UVB the 'good guy' -- though of course you can't de-select UVA if you're going to be in the sun. UVB helps your skin produce vitamin D.
UVA is considered the 'bad guy' because it penetrates your skin more deeply and causes more free radical damage. Not only that, but UVA rays are quite constant during all the hours of daylight throughout the entire year.
By comparison, UVB waves are low in morning and evening and high at midday.
So, if you're out early in the morning or late in the day, you get lots of UVA (bad guy) and not much UVB (good guy). Not a good way to produce vitamin D. Plus you increase your risk of cancer if that's your only sun intake, and you fail to protect your skin.
What's more, have you ever gotten a scorching sunburn on a cloudy day? You think you don't need to protect yourself and you wind up being really sorry you didn't. That's the UVA rays at work. They can break through cloud cover and pollution and do some real damage your skin.
Kind of a Catch 22.
How Sunscreens Keep You from Enjoying the Many Benefits of the Sun's Healthy Rays
As you may know, wearing a sunscreen on your uncovered skin blocks your body's production of vitamin D. In fact, sunscreens reduce vitamin D production by as much as 97.5 to 99.9%. And interfering with your body's production of vitamin D by 97.5 to 99.9% may have dire health consequences. 
After all, vitamin D plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. For example, this superb vitamin is known to:
- Support your cardiovascular health
- Promote optimal cholesterol levels
- Enhance your muscle strength
- Help produce optimal blood pressure levels
- Help maintain a healthy immune system
- Support healthy kidney function
- Promote healthy teeth
- Help keep your bones strong and healthy
Please understand -- this list of important benefits represents a tiny fraction of the ways vitamin D keeps you healthy and fit. And, although you can get vitamin D from natural food sources, experts agree on one thing.
Natural Sunlight is Far and Away the Best Way to Get Your Vitamin D!

Sun: Good for you, so long as you don't burn. Protect your skin from overexposure with Natural Sunscreen today. |
And it is the ultimate way. Why? Because as soon as the sun's ultraviolet rays strike your skin, your body is programmed to do something remarkable. It starts producing its own natural vitamin D.
Better yet, your body produces the most active form of vitamin D in existence -- calciferol. Also known as vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is actually the precise form your body needs for the proper functioning of your organs and cells.
And luckily for all of us, our bodies automatically generate enough of it with virtually no risk of overdose. They just know when to stop producing natural vitamin D before it can reach toxic levels.
However, elevated vitamin D levels obtained strictly from oral supplements can take six months or longer to normalize. That's why I don't recommend supplementing your vitamin D with pills. If you do take vitamin D supplements, you need to get your blood levels tested regularly to avoid toxicity.
With natural sunlight, you may be wondering what precautions you need to take...
Should You Use a Sunscreen to Guard Against SUNBURN?
Absolutely! But not any kind of commercial sunscreen. More on that in a moment -- but first, let me just say...
As much as I prefer you steer clear of sunscreens because they interfere with natural vitamin D production, there is one critical exception.
The exception is when it is impossible to limit full body exposure to sunlight! So if you can't limit your exposure for whatever reason, do use a safe sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn. It is for YOUR own good.
Your risk of getting melanoma may increase in relationship to sunburn frequency and severity. Limiting sun exposure, wearing protective clothing, and using a 100% all-natural, non chemical sunscreen can reduce the risks of skin cancer and other harmful effects of the sun.
Studies revealed that people who spend more time outdoors without getting sunburn, actually decrease their risk of developing melanoma.
Now get this:
Safe sunlight exposure has also been shown to protect against as many as sixteen different types of cancer, including breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, ovarian, bladder, gallbladder, gastric, pancreatic, prostate, rectal, and renal cancers, as well as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
So, yes, your body needs a bit of unprotected sun exposure. For all the benefits I've mentioned earlier. But if you can't avoid the following three scenarios:
- You're forced to be in the direct rays of the sun for a longer time than is safe...
- You must go into intense sunlight without having the opportunity to gradually build up to it...
- You're in a situation where blocking the sun with strategic clothing or sunshades is impractical...
...use a sunscreen to help guard against sunburn. But, don't just slap on any of the standard commercial brands you find on store shelves. With that in mind...
It's Time to Expose the Sunscreen Smokescreen!
In my opinion, corporate greed has created products that are harmful.
I'm talking hundreds of sunscreens that I believe are toxic because they contain man-made chemicals ... chemicals I believe can cause serious health problems and increase your risk of disease. Here's why.
The main chemical used in sunscreens to filter out ultraviolet B light is octyl methoxycinnamate. OMC for short. OMC was found to kill mouse cells even at low doses. Plus, it was also shown to be particularly toxic when exposed to sunshine. And guess what?
OMC is present in 90 percent of sunscreen brands!
But that's not the half of it. A common ultraviolet A filter, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, has also demonstrated toxic properties.
Furthermore, several studies show that the chemicals commonly used in sunscreens are absorbed through the skin and end up circulating in your blood stream. Not good. So...
If Your Sunscreen Contains Any of These Chemicals That I Consider Dangerous and Potentially Life Threatening, Do Yourself a BIG Favor...
Dump it in the trash now .
Yes, that's right. Toss your sunscreen in the trash if it contains any of these questionable chemicals:

Toss your sunscreen in the trash if it contains any of these chemicals I consider to be potentially harmful. |
- Para amino benzoic acid...
- Octyl salicyclate...
- Avobenzone...
- Oxybenzone...
- Cinoxate...
- Padimate O...
- Dioxybenzone...
- Phenylbenzimidazole...
- Homosalate...
- Sulisobenzone...
- Menthyl anthranilate...
- Trolamine salicyclate...
- Octocrylene...
And, oh yes, let me not forget...
Potentially harmful chemicals such as dioxybenzone and oxybenzone (two chemicals I just mentioned) are some of the most powerful free radical generators known to man!
So if your sunscreen contains dioxybenzone, oxybenzone, or any of the other chemicals I just revealed, I highly recommend you switch to a formula that is safe and healthy for your skin.
And a note to moms ... You are undoubtedly very conscientious about caring for your children. But when you lather up your son or daughter with sunscreen thinking you're doing the right thing, you could in fact be doing more harm than good.
So check the labels on your sunscreen, and throw them out if they contain any of the potentially dangerous chemicals named above. After all, your skin is your largest organ, as your child's skin is theirs.
Fortunately, there's a much better option than chemical-laden commercial sunscreens...
Introducing a Major Breakthrough in All-Natural Sunscreen Lotions
This is the story of an incredible product. So incredible that I know of no other sunscreen lotion that is as beneficial and healthy for your skin.

This highly concentrated lotion creates a powerful protective shield to reflect UV rays away from your skin. |
The name of this 100% all-natural sunscreen is Natural Sunscreen. The formula used in this lotion was originally used by Acapulco natives.
In fact, each ingredient in this unique formula serves its own special purpose to nourish, protect, and moisturize your skin. One of those ingredients is GREEN TEA. I included green tea for a couple of good reasons.
First, many studies show that green tea is a powerful antioxidant. Second, recent studies also suggest that green tea may help you reduce the appearance of skin damage from sun radiation. In short, green tea helps protect your skin's cells by providing antioxidant protection.
Simply put, this highly concentrated lotion helps protect you by reflecting UV rays away from your skin. Plus, Natural Sunscreen is also water resistant, hypoallergenic, and:
- FREE of chemical fragrances...
- FREE of parabens (harsh chemical preservatives)...
- FREE of nanoparticles (allows sunscreen to be more cosmetically appealing as it's less visible, yet it remains on your skin's surface)...
Active Ingredients in Natural Sunscreen Are ALL Natural
Make no mistake: Natural Sunscreen meets the immediate need for a non-chemical sunscreen.
Each active ingredient in this outstanding product has been carefully chosen to specifically protect and nourish your skin. With that said, let's review together all the ingredients you'll find in this 100% all-natural sunscreen lotion starting with:
Titanium Dioxide (6.0%) & Zinc Oxide (6.0%):
These two active ingredients in Natural Sunscreen are natural minerals. Minerals that actually come from clay and beach sand deposits. This means, they are not harsh, synthetically-produced chemicals you'll often find in popular brands.
And it may surprise you to find out that zinc oxide has been used all over the world for over 75 years as a safe sunscreen to help you prevent excessive sun exposure.
Unlike chemical sunscreens that absorb ultraviolet light, nature provides us with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide ... two remarkable ingredients that remain on your skin to reflect and scatter away both UVA and UVB rays from your body. How do they do this?
Quite simply, they do it by forming a physical barrier, without irritating or clogging your pores.
Other Natural Ingredients Included in NEW Sunscreen that's Only Available at Mercola.com...
Sunflower oil:
Sunflower oil is a superior moisturizer. In addition, it also contains vitamins A, D and E. And this excellent ingredient is often used to moisturize dry, weathered, and aged skin.
Lecithin is found in the membranes of plant cells (soy.) It is widely used in cosmetics as an emollient and water-binding agent.
Coconut oil:
Coconut oil has been used by the islanders for many hundreds of years to moisturize their skin. And it moisturized their skin while they attained a glowing, dark tan. Even better, if you have skin sensitivities, it is likely to be mild and gentle on your skin.
Used as an emollient, glycerine improves your skin's natural moisture by attracting just the right amount of water to maintain your skin's homeostasis. Furthermore, research proves the presence of glycerine in the intercellular layer.
Jojoba oil:
Jojoba oil is a non-fragrant natural emollient that serves up superior moisturizing and skin conditioning properties.
Tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E):
Vitamin E also acts as a natural preservative.
Shea butter:
Shea butter is a natural plant lipid used as both a thickener and an emulsifier. What's more, it also has effective moisturizing properties.
Eucalyptus oil:
Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil. And when it's mixed with other oils, it is more easily absorbed by your skin. Best of all, it assists other oils to be absorbed in your skin as well. This obviously supports the moisturizing process.
Bottom line, Natural Sunscreen's perfect blend of ingredients results in a pleasant-smelling sunscreen lotion without any chemical fragrances or dangerous artificial chemicals.
For this reason you can feel great about putting it on your skin, and your kids' skin too.
As with all safe sunscreen lotions, I recommend you re-apply frequently, especially after swimming, perspiring, or towel-drying.
Natural Sunscreen – Now Available in Three Strengths
My Natural Sunscreen SPF30 provides just the right amount of coverage for most activities. With a full 6% of both Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, you know you’re covered.
But, I realize sometimes you would prefer less protection from the sun.
When you desire lighter protection – but the same safe and natural ingredients – my Natural Sunscreen SPF15 fits the bill. Providing medium protection, Natural Sunscreen SPF15 contains 3.5% Titanium Dioxide and 3.5% Zinc Oxide.
There are times when a stronger sunscreen is desirable. Perhaps for your children’s delicate skin as they play in the sand and surf. Or maybe when you’re out boating or playing golf. You can enjoy the added assurance of maximum protection with the same safe, active and natural ingredients that I use for my Natural Sunscreen SPF30.
Sometimes, you may want a stronger sunscreen for your face, your children, if you have particularly fair skin or simply to handle more intense sun exposure. But at the same time, you want all the safe active and natural ingredients found in Natural Sunscreen.
For those occasions demanding even greater protection, my Natural Sunscreen SPF50 offers exceptional UVB and UVA protection.With a higher concentration of Zinc Oxide (22.5%) and 6% Titanium Dioxide, you’re getting the highest degree of protection possible. And it’s safe for kids and adults alike.
In fact, this SPF 50 natural sunscreen received an outstanding overall score of “1” from the Environmental Working Group (EWG). EWG rates sunscreens as follows: 0-2 (low hazard), 3-6 (moderate hazard), 7-10 (high hazard).
This rating shows how meticulously this sunscreen formula was created – only natural, nontoxic ingredients are found in Natural Sunscreen SPF15, SPF30, and SPF 50.
Confident Protection -- Guaranteed
No doubt about it, Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 & SPF 50 remarkable products. After all, they help protect you and your family against ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, while helping you achieve a beautiful, glowing, and healthy tan.
Many sunscreens protect against only UVB and offer no protection against UVA.
I'm so sure you'll be delighted with Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 & SPF 50. However, if for any reason you are dissatisfied with either one, let me know at any time. Yes, you read that right. Any time. Of course, I will give you a prompt, courteous refund. No questions asked.
How can I make such a bold guarantee? It's simple: I'm betting that once you start using Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 & SPF 50, you'll enjoy them so much; you and your entire family will never want to be without either one during the warm weather months.
And there's more…
I'm now offering a 1.5 ounce travel bottle with carabiner (to clip on your belt or keychain).
This travel bottle provides a convenient way to take Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 or SPF 50 along wherever you go. See order details below.
But read on, because sunburn isn't the only potential hazard of summer...
You may be one of those people for whom summer is far too short!
But like it or not, most of you only have a few short months to enjoy the great outdoors in most of the continental US. Why waste it dealing with the two most vexing hassles of the outdoor summer season?
After spending six or more months stuck inside buildings under cover from rain, snow and sleet, you rush out and spend all day on a Saturday or Sunday in the sun. Not only is the golf course beckoning, but so is yard work, the kids' sporting events, and the grill.
It's easy to overdo your sun exposure in your quest to finally spend some time outdoors... especially when your skin is lily-white from being inside for months -- and not used to the sun.
There are many simple lifestyle changes you can make to radically decrease your risk of sunburn, such as choosing your essential fatty acids wisely, increasing raw vegetables loaded with skin protecting antioxidant phytonutrients, and avoiding processed foods and sugars.
I go into more details in the video so be sure and watch it.
Clothing Can Protect You -- Especially Caps
Additionally you can use clothing wisely to avoid sun induced skin damage. My favorite is a cap which allows me to avoid wearing sunglasses and benefit from all of the 1500 wavelengths in sunshine. But the cap also keeps the sun off the very thin skin around my eyes which is particularly sensitive to photoaging damage from the sun.
However if you are looking for an additional level of protection beyond clothing then my team has come up with something that will really work for you and your family.
Daytime sun isn't the only summer headache you can have.
Ever been out on a beautiful summer evening enjoying the afterglow of sunset and onset of stars -- only to have it ruined by ten thousand pesky mosquitoes? Or was that ten million? In several states, mosquitoes have been dubbed the "state bird". Nasty little critters!
In a damp year, mosquitoes don't limit themselves to evening warfare either.
They love sultry, still, humid days ... and parks, campgrounds, wooded and swampy areas, and even your own backyard in broad daylight! Hard to escape them! Worse, they'll sneak into your house and buzz around your bedroom while you try to sleep.
Now, you could try solutions like DEET-based insect repellents -- but I certainly don't recommend it. In a moment, I'll tell you why that's a non-solution, and provide you with a viable all-natural alternative.
Equip yourself now to have a ton more fun this summer with this Summer Survival Kit ...
The Case AGAINST Using Sunscreen -- Even "Natural" Ones -- Except for This NEW Exclusive Lotion from Acapulco...
It's true.
I normally advise against using sunscreens. Even most "all-natural" sunscreens.
As a subscriber to my weekly newsletters, you may already know this. And if you aren't familiar with the reasons, I'll share them with you in a moment. But first, I need to get something off my chest.
Natural sunlight's potential to harm you has really been blown out of proportion. This is thanks to many doctors, health officials, advertisements, beauty experts, corporations, and well-meaning friends. They basically tell you that you need to stay out of the sun because the sun will kill you. This simply isn't true.
For starters, there is little scientific evidence to justify the many health campaigns that urge you to completely avoid the sun. Avoiding the sun just doesn't make sense. And it certainly doesn't make any sense when study after study shows that ...
The Sun is Not Deadly
In fact, the sun is healthy for you. Think about it. How could it be any other way?
After all, your ancestors survived outdoors, working outside under the sun's rays far more often than they were indoors and out of the sun.
This brings up an obvious question.
How on earth would it be possible for your body to end up being configured in such a way that the sun is now a deadly threat to you, me, and the entire human race?
Like I said, it simply isn't true.
That's not to say sunlight can't be harmful. Of course, it can be...
For instance, long-term, excessive exposure to sunlight can increase the risk of certain types of skin cancer. Yet moderate sun exposure is less dangerous than sporadic sun exposure.
Plus, there's a good deal of evidence that sun exposure without sunburn significantly decreases the risk of melanoma (a more deadly form of skin cancer.) So safe sun exposure is key.
What You Should Know About UVA and UVB Rays
Ultraviolet light from the sun comes in two main wavelengths -- UVA and UVB. It's important for you to understand the difference between them, and your risk factors from each.
Consider UVB the 'good guy' -- though of course you can't de-select UVA if you're going to be in the sun. UVB helps your skin produce vitamin D.
UVA is considered the 'bad guy' because it penetrates your skin more deeply and causes more free radical damage. Not only that, but UVA rays are quite constant during all the hours of daylight throughout the entire year.
By comparison, UVB waves are low in morning and evening and high at midday.
So, if you're out early in the morning or late in the day, you get lots of UVA (bad guy) and not much UVB (good guy). Not a good way to produce vitamin D. Plus you increase your risk of cancer if that's your only sun intake, and you fail to protect your skin.
What's more, have you ever gotten a scorching sunburn on a cloudy day? You think you don't need to protect yourself and you wind up being really sorry you didn't. That's the UVA rays at work. They can break through cloud cover and pollution and do some real damage your skin.
Kind of a Catch 22.
How Sunscreens Keep You from Enjoying the Many Benefits of the Sun's Healthy Rays
As you may know, wearing a sunscreen on your uncovered skin blocks your body's production of vitamin D. In fact, sunscreens reduce vitamin D production by as much as 97.5 to 99.9%. And interfering with your body's production of vitamin D by 97.5 to 99.9% may have dire health consequences. 
After all, vitamin D plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. For example, this superb vitamin is known to:
- Support your cardiovascular health
- Promote optimal cholesterol levels
- Enhance your muscle strength
- Help produce optimal blood pressure levels
- Help maintain a healthy immune system
- Support healthy kidney function
- Promote healthy teeth
- Help keep your bones strong and healthy
Please understand -- this list of important benefits represents a tiny fraction of the ways vitamin D keeps you healthy and fit. And, although you can get vitamin D from natural food sources, experts agree on one thing.
Natural Sunlight is Far and Away the Best Way to Get Your Vitamin D!

Sun: Good for you, so long as you don't burn. Protect your skin from overexposure with Natural Sunscreen today. |
And it is the ultimate way. Why? Because as soon as the sun's ultraviolet rays strike your skin, your body is programmed to do something remarkable. It starts producing its own natural vitamin D.
Better yet, your body produces the most active form of vitamin D in existence -- calciferol. Also known as vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is actually the precise form your body needs for the proper functioning of your organs and cells.
And luckily for all of us, our bodies automatically generate enough of it with virtually no risk of overdose. They just know when to stop producing natural vitamin D before it can reach toxic levels.
However, elevated vitamin D levels obtained strictly from oral supplements can take six months or longer to normalize. That's why I don't recommend supplementing your vitamin D with pills. If you do take vitamin D supplements, you need to get your blood levels tested regularly to avoid toxicity.
With natural sunlight, you may be wondering what precautions you need to take...
Should You Use a Sunscreen to Guard Against SUNBURN?
Absolutely! But not any kind of commercial sunscreen. More on that in a moment -- but first, let me just say...
As much as I prefer you steer clear of sunscreens because they interfere with natural vitamin D production, there is one critical exception.
The exception is when it is impossible to limit full body exposure to sunlight! So if you can't limit your exposure for whatever reason, do use a safe sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn. It is for YOUR own good.
Your risk of getting melanoma may increase in relationship to sunburn frequency and severity. Limiting sun exposure, wearing protective clothing, and using a 100% all-natural, non chemical sunscreen can reduce the risks of skin cancer and other harmful effects of the sun.
Studies revealed that people who spend more time outdoors without getting sunburn, actually decrease their risk of developing melanoma.
Now get this:
Safe sunlight exposure has also been shown to protect against as many as sixteen different types of cancer, including breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, ovarian, bladder, gallbladder, gastric, pancreatic, prostate, rectal, and renal cancers, as well as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
So, yes, your body needs a bit of unprotected sun exposure. For all the benefits I've mentioned earlier. But if you can't avoid the following three scenarios:
- You're forced to be in the direct rays of the sun for a longer time than is safe...
- You must go into intense sunlight without having the opportunity to gradually build up to it...
- You're in a situation where blocking the sun with strategic clothing or sunshades is impractical...
...use a sunscreen to help guard against sunburn. But, don't just slap on any of the standard commercial brands you find on store shelves. With that in mind...
It's Time to Expose the Sunscreen Smokescreen!
In my opinion, corporate greed has created products that are harmful.
I'm talking hundreds of sunscreens that I believe are toxic because they contain man-made chemicals ... chemicals I believe can cause serious health problems and increase your risk of disease. Here's why.
The main chemical used in sunscreens to filter out ultraviolet B light is octyl methoxycinnamate. OMC for short. OMC was found to kill mouse cells even at low doses. Plus, it was also shown to be particularly toxic when exposed to sunshine. And guess what?
OMC is present in 90 percent of sunscreen brands!
But that's not the half of it. A common ultraviolet A filter, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, has also demonstrated toxic properties.
Furthermore, several studies show that the chemicals commonly used in sunscreens are absorbed through the skin and end up circulating in your blood stream. Not good. So...
If Your Sunscreen Contains Any of These Chemicals That I Consider Dangerous and Potentially Life Threatening, Do Yourself a BIG Favor...
Dump it in the trash now .
Yes, that's right. Toss your sunscreen in the trash if it contains any of these questionable chemicals:

Toss your sunscreen in the trash if it contains any of these chemicals I consider to be potentially harmful. |
- Para amino benzoic acid...
- Octyl salicyclate...
- Avobenzone...
- Oxybenzone...
- Cinoxate...
- Padimate O...
- Dioxybenzone...
- Phenylbenzimidazole...
- Homosalate...
- Sulisobenzone...
- Menthyl anthranilate...
- Trolamine salicyclate...
- Octocrylene...
And, oh yes, let me not forget...
Potentially harmful chemicals such as dioxybenzone and oxybenzone (two chemicals I just mentioned) are some of the most powerful free radical generators known to man!
So if your sunscreen contains dioxybenzone, oxybenzone, or any of the other chemicals I just revealed, I highly recommend you switch to a formula that is safe and healthy for your skin.
And a note to moms ... You are undoubtedly very conscientious about caring for your children. But when you lather up your son or daughter with sunscreen thinking you're doing the right thing, you could in fact be doing more harm than good.
So check the labels on your sunscreen, and throw them out if they contain any of the potentially dangerous chemicals named above. After all, your skin is your largest organ, as your child's skin is theirs.
Fortunately, there's a much better option than chemical-laden commercial sunscreens...
Introducing a Major Breakthrough in All-Natural Sunscreen Lotions
This is the story of an incredible product. So incredible that I know of no other sunscreen lotion that is as beneficial and healthy for your skin.

This highly concentrated lotion creates a powerful protective shield to reflect UV rays away from your skin. |
The name of this 100% all-natural sunscreen is Natural Sunscreen. The formula used in this lotion was originally used by Acapulco natives.
In fact, each ingredient in this unique formula serves its own special purpose to nourish, protect, and moisturize your skin. One of those ingredients is GREEN TEA. I included green tea for a couple of good reasons.
First, many studies show that green tea is a powerful antioxidant. Second, recent studies also suggest that green tea may help you reduce the appearance of skin damage from sun radiation. In short, green tea helps protect your skin's cells by providing antioxidant protection.
Simply put, this highly concentrated lotion helps protect you by reflecting UV rays away from your skin. Plus, Natural Sunscreen is also water resistant, hypoallergenic, and:
- FREE of chemical fragrances...
- FREE of parabens (harsh chemical preservatives)...
- FREE of nanoparticles (allows sunscreen to be more cosmetically appealing as it's less visible, yet it remains on your skin's surface)...
Active Ingredients in Natural Sunscreen Are ALL Natural
Make no mistake: Natural Sunscreen meets the immediate need for a non-chemical sunscreen.
Each active ingredient in this outstanding product has been carefully chosen to specifically protect and nourish your skin. With that said, let's review together all the ingredients you'll find in this 100% all-natural sunscreen lotion starting with:
Titanium Dioxide (6.0%) & Zinc Oxide (6.0%):
These two active ingredients in Natural Sunscreen are natural minerals. Minerals that actually come from clay and beach sand deposits. This means, they are not harsh, synthetically-produced chemicals you'll often find in popular brands.
And it may surprise you to find out that zinc oxide has been used all over the world for over 75 years as a safe sunscreen to help you prevent excessive sun exposure.
Unlike chemical sunscreens that absorb ultraviolet light, nature provides us with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide ... two remarkable ingredients that remain on your skin to reflect and scatter away both UVA and UVB rays from your body. How do they do this?
Quite simply, they do it by forming a physical barrier, without irritating or clogging your pores.
Other Natural Ingredients Included in NEW Sunscreen that's Only Available at Mercola.com...
Sunflower oil:
Sunflower oil is a superior moisturizer. In addition, it also contains vitamins A, D and E. And this excellent ingredient is often used to moisturize dry, weathered, and aged skin.
Lecithin is found in the membranes of plant cells (soy.) It is widely used in cosmetics as an emollient and water-binding agent.
Coconut oil:
Coconut oil has been used by the islanders for many hundreds of years to moisturize their skin. And it moisturized their skin while they attained a glowing, dark tan. Even better, if you have skin sensitivities, it is likely to be mild and gentle on your skin.
Used as an emollient, glycerine improves your skin's natural moisture by attracting just the right amount of water to maintain your skin's homeostasis. Furthermore, research proves the presence of glycerine in the intercellular layer.
Jojoba oil:
Jojoba oil is a non-fragrant natural emollient that serves up superior moisturizing and skin conditioning properties.
Tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E):
Vitamin E also acts as a natural preservative.
Shea butter:
Shea butter is a natural plant lipid used as both a thickener and an emulsifier. What's more, it also has effective moisturizing properties.
Eucalyptus oil:
Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil. And when it's mixed with other oils, it is more easily absorbed by your skin. Best of all, it assists other oils to be absorbed in your skin as well. This obviously supports the moisturizing process.
Bottom line, Natural Sunscreen's perfect blend of ingredients results in a pleasant-smelling sunscreen lotion without any chemical fragrances or dangerous artificial chemicals.
For this reason you can feel great about putting it on your skin, and your kids' skin too.
As with all safe sunscreen lotions, I recommend you re-apply frequently, especially after swimming, perspiring, or towel-drying.
Natural Sunscreen – Now Available in Three Strengths
My Natural Sunscreen SPF30 provides just the right amount of coverage for most activities. With a full 6% of both Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, you know you’re covered.
But, I realize sometimes you would prefer less protection from the sun.
When you desire lighter protection – but the same safe and natural ingredients – my Natural Sunscreen SPF15 fits the bill. Providing medium protection, Natural Sunscreen SPF15 contains 3.5% Titanium Dioxide and 3.5% Zinc Oxide.
There are times when a stronger sunscreen is desirable. Perhaps for your children’s delicate skin as they play in the sand and surf. Or maybe when you’re out boating or playing golf. You can enjoy the added assurance of maximum protection with the same safe, active and natural ingredients that I use for my Natural Sunscreen SPF30.
Sometimes, you may want a stronger sunscreen for your face, your children, if you have particularly fair skin or simply to handle more intense sun exposure. But at the same time, you want all the safe active and natural ingredients found in Natural Sunscreen.
For those occasions demanding even greater protection, my Natural Sunscreen SPF50 offers exceptional UVB and UVA protection.With a higher concentration of Zinc Oxide (22.5%) and 6% Titanium Dioxide, you’re getting the highest degree of protection possible. And it’s safe for kids and adults alike.
In fact, this SPF 50 natural sunscreen received an outstanding overall score of “1” from the Environmental Working Group (EWG). EWG rates sunscreens as follows: 0-2 (low hazard), 3-6 (moderate hazard), 7-10 (high hazard).
This rating shows how meticulously this sunscreen formula was created – only natural, nontoxic ingredients are found in Natural Sunscreen SPF15, SPF30, and SPF 50.
Confident Protection -- Guaranteed
No doubt about it, Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 & SPF 50 remarkable products. After all, they help protect you and your family against ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, while helping you achieve a beautiful, glowing, and healthy tan.
Many sunscreens protect against only UVB and offer no protection against UVA.
I'm so sure you'll be delighted with Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 & SPF 50. However, if for any reason you are dissatisfied with either one, let me know at any time. Yes, you read that right. Any time. Of course, I will give you a prompt, courteous refund. No questions asked.
How can I make such a bold guarantee? It's simple: I'm betting that once you start using Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 & SPF 50, you'll enjoy them so much; you and your entire family will never want to be without either one during the warm weather months.
And there's more…
I'm now offering a 1.5 ounce travel bottle with carabiner (to clip on your belt or keychain).
This travel bottle provides a convenient way to take Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 or SPF 50 along wherever you go. See order details below.
But read on, because sunburn isn't the only potential hazard of summer... (Link to Dr. Mercola's Summer Survival Kit page)
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So check the labels on your sunscreen, and throw them out if they contain any of the potentially dangerous chemicals named above. After all, your skin is your largest organ, as your child's skin is theirs.