I used to think I was lactose intolerant. Turns out I was just pasteurization intolerant. You might discover you are too after reading the following article by Mark McAfee. Check it out. This is especially great for anyone unsure about the real difference between raw and pasteurized dairy. Please share the link to this blog with anyone you think might be interested, and as always, weigh-in below in the comments.
The 15 Things that Pasteurization Kills
by Mark McAfee
Tragically, pasteurization has killed much more than TB and Typhoid in the1800’s and covers up much more than the filth of the distillery dairy in down town Boston in 1875. Pasteurization has had massive and tragic side effects. These side effects have been ignored by the FDA and down played by industry. To accept the facts would be a surrender to a 100 Years' War indiscriminately waged against all bacteria. A 100 year war that has now turned to attack the immune system of the American that it was thought to protect.
The FDA, instead of fighting germs, is now killing Americans.
Tragically, pasteurization has killed much more than TB and Typhoid in the1800’s and covers up much more than the filth of the distillery dairy in down town Boston in 1875. Pasteurization has had massive and tragic side effects. These side effects have been ignored by the FDA and down played by industry. To accept the facts would be a surrender to a 100 Years' War indiscriminately waged against all bacteria. A 100 year war that has now turned to attack the immune system of the American that it was thought to protect.
The FDA, instead of fighting germs, is now killing Americans.
And pasteurization has killed much more than a few bad bugs…it is killing the foundation of America.
Here are the top 15 things that Pasteurization has killed that the FDA and Big Dairy industry refuses to acknowledge or discuss. To do so would be to surrender and to invite a marketing disaster. These are the origins of why the FDA and Big Dairy Ag processors fight desperately to suppress the American raw milk uprising and the truth that it speaks.
- Pasteurization has killed the family farm, jobs and the American
Dream by replacing responsibly produced clean raw milk with “filth
excusing pasteurization” which allows dirty milk to be sold as clean milk.
The prices now paid for raw milk that is sent to be pasteurized is so low
that it does not cover the cost of production. There is nothing that a farmer
can do to increase the milk price in this system. His work is for nothing
and he is desperate. For every load of raw milk that he sends off he sends
more and more of his farm equity and his blood sweat and tears.
Pasteurization does not create clean milk it just kills filthy milk.
- Pasteurization has killed the dairy markets.
Twenty to 50% of the American population do not drink pasteurized milk
because of either mal-digestion or lactose intolerance, but yet those same
Americans can drink raw milk because it is whole with all of the enzymes
and beneficial bacteria present.
America has become pasteurization intolerant. Only 14% of CAFO fluid
milk produced in California is actually ever bottled for fluid use….most
gets made into dried powdered milk or processed cheeses.
Today truck loads of milk intended to be pasteurized is dumped down the
drain and is never processed. This is the absolute proof of the disconnect
between consumer and farmer. The farmer does not even know what
becomes of his food and or how much to produce.
- Pasteurization killed “the connection between the farmer and the consumer”.
Some farmers that produce pasteurized milk have no-trespassing signs at
the edges of their property that say….”Trespassers will be shot and
survivors will be shot again”.
They have no reason to visit with a consumer about selling their dairy
products. They get paid by a processor, not a consumer. All of their fluid
milk is sold off to a common processing plant to be commingled with all
other dairy milk in a commodity market system.
The farmer now has no idea that he is “over producing” and making the
wrong products. The farmer has no idea that people do not drink
pasteurized milk because of lactose intolerance. If the farmer could ever
talk with a consumer….they would not do what they are over-doing. - Pasteurization kills farmers.
In January, dairy farmer Dean Pierson of Copake New York entered his
barn with his rifle and plenty of ammunition, killed all 51 of his precious
milk cows, then tragically took his own life.
There have been many suicides of dairymen in the last two years with two
in California last year. The incidence of dairyman suicides follows the
prices paid for pasteurized milk in the heartless disconnected pasteurized
dairy market system.
When prices fall, suicides rise. This is because there is absolutely nothing
that a dairyman can do to change the market price by working harder to
sell better tasting or higher quality milk.
The pasteurizer has covered-up and masked all of these possible value
added possibilities. He gets what he gets and that more often than not… is
an economic roller coaster ride from FDA CAFO hell.
The universities tell the next generation to “get big or get out” and provide
no classes on value added ideas to break away from the “Milk Pool” and
the PMO. There is no hope.
The far better message is “get green, get clean, get local, and get
consumer connected”.
A university professor speaking these words would be like… “entering a
Catholic Church and screaming There Is No God in the middle of Sunday
morning mass.” Grants are given to Universities to study and support
claims from Monsanto and antibiotic manufacturers for Big Dairy. The
fastest way for a professor to be removed is to object to Big Dairy projects.
The result, all of the dairymen’s sons and daughters are taught to “get big
or get out.” The next well-educated generation has no hope either. - Pasteurization killed Antibiotic effectiveness for all of us.
By creating a commodity dairy market system that relies heavily on
antibiotics, fed in feed at CAFO Mega dairies to support massive milk
production, the antibiotics now used in American hospitals for humans no
longer work.
Tens of thousands of Americans now die each year because of superbugs
created by CAFO antibiotic abuse.
MRSA and VRA drug resistance is now a major cause of death and there
are fewer and sometimes no antibiotics left to kill the bad bugs and save
real human lives. The FDA refuses to ban or limit use of antibiotics in
CAFO’s feed and instead testifies for the CAFO industry (Senator Dean
Florez SB 362 Sac CA in 2009). - Pasteurization killed the digestibility of milk and its delicious milky reputation.
Now milk is no longer a food with a good reputation and the dairymen do
not even know it. It causes or triggers gas cramps, allergies, diarrhea,
asthma attacks, mucus production, constipation, gastric cramping and so
called “Lactose Intolerance”.
This has caused the dairy industry to lose many consumers to SoyMilk,
RiceMilk, AlmondMilk and even HempMilk. None of these fake milks come
from mammalian animals with teats.
The dairy industry did this to themselves because the processing industry
runs the dairy industry. A processor loves a dairyman in desperation. It
allows for dirt cheap pricing….and so what if the processor does not bottle
milk. The dairy processor can bottle water, soy milk, rice milk, almond milk
or hemp milk. All the processor cares about is processing “throughput”.
Last year, the processors spoke about the new emerging dairy product
category called… “branded bottled water”. Dairymen have not spent
enough time in the market and have delegated to the “processors” the
most important thing that they can do….connect to consumers and tell the
consumer their story and listen to feedback. Now the fat Fox has eaten
their chickens. - Pasteurization has ruined our water supplies.
Whereever a mega dairy CAFO is located there are huge lagoons. These
manure and chemical filled lagoons often leach into underground aquifers.
It is nearly impossible to keep these lagoons from leaching into the
underground water supplies. The best new technologies do protect from
leaching but their plastic or rubber lined lagoons are extremely costly and
older dairies are not required to install them.
- Pasteurization has damaged our air quality.
Cows that are kept in CAFO system confinement and fed huge amounts of
grain produce massive amounts of methane gas. These gasses are not
good for air quality, earth health, cow health or human health or the dairy
industry reputation for stinking downwind.
Some dairies now capture this methane gas as a resource to be sold for
energy. 99.9% of dairies do not. There are 1.9 million cows in CA that live
on 1800 dairies. Few of these dairies use pastures to feed their cows
(nearly none), aside from a few organic dairies.
When cows are fed pasture, their production of methane gas is a minute
fraction of what is produced in CAFO systems. Pastures also allow the
sequestration of carbon and recycling of manure directly back to living
plant-life. Really good for the cows and the earth. - Pasteurization has killed individual responsibility for milk quality and even how the dairy looks.
When no one cares about how the dairy looks because no one ever
comes to visit…the dairy can start to look pretty darn horrible. Calves in
dirty hutches, cows deep in manure, nothing painted, nothing clean and
nothing green.
The milk quality will not matter either. It is customary that a dairyman with
poor quality milk just adds some chlorine bleach to the bulk tank to kill the
bacteria and pass the inspectors test sample.
This is something that the “consumer connected” raw milk dairymen would
never ever do.
Some pasteurized milk producers would never do this either. However,
that does not matter….his good milk gets commingled with all the other
milks and his individual quality is now irrelevant. - Pasteurized milk kills jobs and is economically, nutritionally and socially killing America.
In Economics 1A….the first thing the professor says is that all new money
in our American economy is created at the start of the food chain with
mining, fishing and farming.
America has outsourced much of its food chain to China and other
unwatched places and with that, all the beginnings of new money to
excite, stimulate, locally feed and fund America is gone.
Whenever raw milk is produced and consumed for human consumption,
life springs forth, there are jobs and there are healthy happy cows and
Raw milk brings new immune strength, new economic life in the economy
and new hope for a better world. Consumers give farmers feedback about
flavor and animal treatment. Pastures are green and farmers are well paid
and loved. - Pasteurized milk kills asthma sufferers and as a result doctors prescribe a diet without pasteurized dairy products.
Milk triggers asthma by destabilizing MAST cells that release histamines
that cause inflammation, mucus production and bronchial spasm.
Pasteurized milk is a partial food product that is missing digestive
enzymes and nearly all of its beneficial bacteria.
Pasteurized milk (with rare exceptions) comes from cows fed a ration
based on corn not pastures and forage. This changes the fatty acid
profiles. These corn based fatty acids have low omega 3 and high 6 and
no CLA.
These are the bad cholesterols found in the American diets today.
Raw milk is the opposite and heals and prevents asthma by stabilizing
MAST cells and reducing inflammation as shown by dramatic lowering of
“C reactive protein levels”.
Raw milk rebuilds immunity by allowing the safe consumption of
biodiversity in our diets. These bacteria then re-colonize the gut and
become our immune protective and digestive ecosystem armies.
- Pasteurized milk kills bone density.
It has long been known by doctors that low fat pasteurized milk is a real
problem when considering bone density and osteoporosis.
The test for pasteurization is called the negative Alpha Phosphatase test.
When milk has been heated to 165 degrees and pasteurization is
complete the enzyme phosphatase is 100% destroyed.
Guess what….this is the enzyme that is critical to the absorption of
minerals and calcium!!
Raw milk contains as its third highest level of enzyme the phosphatase
enzyme and those people that drink raw milk enjoy increases in bone
density. - Pasteurization killed scientific integrity in America.
The FDA and the dairy industry have begun to loose all credibility for
integrity in science and telling the truth to Americans as a direct result of
protecting industrialization and its market sectors.
Now it is a matter of fact that the FDA refuses to be quoted and
interviewed in Raw Milk and food documentaries that expose the lies and
The FDA refuses to acknowledge their own NIH websites that make
reference to the missing beneficial bacteria in our diets that historically
have come from Kefirs and “Ancient” milk.
‘Ancient milk’ is politically correct FDA lingo for ‘raw milk prior to
pasteurization’. Instead, the FDA makes war on all bacteria through their
sterilized, anti-life, pro-drug concept of health. Universities will not study
raw milk because of the pasteurization protective grant systems put into
place by corporate America and Monsanto. - Pasteurization kills cows and green pastures.
Seventy-five years ago, there were friendly cows on green pastures all
over America. Pasteurization has effectively paved the pastures and now
forces the cows to be fed soy protein concentrates and 40 pounds of grain
per day along with antibiotics and hormones.
These CAFO dairy feeds increase milk production to numbers never seen
before in the history of earth. It is not uncommon for some CAFO dairy
cows to produce 150 pounds of milk per day (20 gallons) and be crowded
into pens deep in manure with thousands of other cows.
The stress of being milked up to four times per day and laying in artificial
rubber beds shortens their lives to just 40 months.
A cow on pastures will produce much less milk (4-5 gallons per day) and
live ten years or more, easily, in true happiness and health.
Raw milk from pasture-raised cows is rich in beneficial fatty acids,
beneficial bacteria, rare and essential enzymes and CLA something that
CAFO cows cannot brag about.
None of the CAFO raw milk can be used for human raw milk consumption.
It contains the wrong kinds of bacteria and must be pasteurized.
Pastures, natural feed and sunlight are critical to the safety of raw milk.
There is no fooling or tricking mother nature. Raw milk producers make a
pact with nature not war against her. - Pasteurization is racist.
The dairy industry time and time again claims that if you are black or if you
are Asian that you have a deficiency. You have something wrong with you.
The fact of the matter is that the Maasai in Africa and the Chinese outer
Mongolians have drunk raw milk for thousands of years….without Lactose
intolerance. There are virtually no human babies on earth that reject their
own mother’s breast milk. That breast milk is raw milk. The same goes for
nearly all grown or growing humans.
All people can drink raw milk if given a chance because the enzymes and
lactase producing bacteria that re-colonize the gut are found in raw milk.
Raw milk is food for all people. It is color blind unlike pasteurized milk
produced by corporations seeking answers to the deficiencies found in
their processed dead partial milk.
What people are is “Pasteurization Intolerant”.
But, there’s still hope.
Pasteurized milk did not, however, kill the will of a small group of pioneering farmers and their consumers to fight and expose the truth.
This brings great news….Raw Milk for humans is the solution and has exactly the opposite effect on farmers, the cows, the earth, the consumer.
Raw Milk is now rapidly emerging as a farmer to consumer connected market.
Things had to get really shockingly bad for the people and the farmers to see what really bad was.
Now new life comes forth and there is new hope and health and it is local and it is grass roots. It will not be easy….the FDA and Big Dairy will fight to protect what they took from us, the earth and the cows for the last 100 years.
Keep your cameras ready and blog the truth of your raw milk experiences.
Nothing like a little truth therapy to bring some light into the darkness of the last 100 years of lies and false promise. Not to mention serious gas cramps and diarrhea.
Good riddance to dead milk and the FDA 100 Years' War against all bacteria.
We must stop thinking that killing everything will make us well. Our immune systems depend on biodiversity and the wholeness of our foods and so does our social conscience and everything else good on God's green earth.
I thought this was informative and while sometimes rabbel-rousing, still really good to know, since a lot of this stuff falls under the radar of most non-farm folks.
Enjoy & leave comments!
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