I’m learning hypnotherapy. No kidding. I’m not sure if I ever would’ve guessed that my life’s path would’ve led me here, but here I am.
I’m still in the early stages of becoming a certified hypnotherapist, so I can’t make you act like a chicken... yet.
And actually, that’s just a show by a Hypnotist, which is very different from a Hypnotherapist.
The best I can sum it up is this: A Hypnotist is pretty much a carnival act or show, where they pick the most suggestible people to do entertaining and odd things. A Hypnotherapist actually helps people reprogram their subconscious minds through relaxation and hypnosis and the client is always aware and consenting.
I think that’s about right.
But this blog is actually about something else, well... mostly something else.
You see, in my hypnotherapy class last night we covered imagery and visualization, a powerful tool used for everything from stage freight to fear of public speaking, and to athletes aiming to boost their game. Guided imagery allows people to overcome great fears, and also accomplish great success where conventional training was falling short. In this group, professor-guided imagery last night, she led us all through a very calming, grounding imaginary world and asked that we all go to our “favorite place."
Afterward, virtually everyone who shared something about their particular “favorite place” had a locale that was near to, about or had something to do with water.
Oceans, rivers, streams, lakes or in my case, a fresh-water waterfall feeding into a very gentle brook, were some of the places people described.
So why are we all so drawn to water?
The easy answer is that it’s because we’re made up of 60-70% water. Another easy answer is that water is necessary for our survival. Although we in the industrialized, bottled-water, clean-my-sidewalk-with-fresh-water West, don’t really feel the very real fresh-water shortage on this earth, so we shouldn’t feel as though our water-based survival is threatened, right?
Maybe it’s what water symbolizes even more than it’s necessity for sustaining life.
Some say that our favorite body of water is indicative of our sexual proclivities. That may be true. Some dream interpreters say that dreaming of water is symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/w2.htm
Who knows, really? Because all of these things are just speculative. That’s the challenge with spiritual explanations and soft-science pursuits. There really never is hard evidence, though some of the so-called hard-sciences are also found to have unreliable evidence in that most scientific studies are found to be affected by the mere observation of the scientist...
But back to water. What is it that so draws us to water?
Well, think of this. Water supposedly comprises 60-70% of the human body. But if you were to reduce the non-water matter of the human body down to it’s most basic form (basically taking out air and empty space), the remaining matter reduces down to what can fit in your two hands. That’s it. Cup your hands together and take a look. Doesn’t seem like much. So water really is a major part of who we are.
But what does this mean about what water is?
We use it as something to drink, to swim in, to cook with, wash with, or bathe in, and even to gestate in (since amniotic fluid is primarily water). But is there more?
According to Masaru Emoto, there is much more than the naked eye can see. Just as we respond to sound, touch, smell, taste, and sight, water responds to virtually all vibrations.
Existence is vibration. When we separate something into its smallest parts, we always enter a strange world where all that exists is particles and waves. The fact that everything is in a state of vibration also means that everything is creating sound. And as sound is created, there is a master listener to receive the sound: water. Why would crystal formation be affected by music, and why completely different results would be reached depending on the spoken and written words water was exposed to. Water, so sensitive to the unique frequencies emitted by the world, essentially and efficiently mirrors the outside world. Music and spoken words are vibration; they are easily understood and interpreted by just about anyone. Sounds like the chant created by a human voice at a Buddhist funeral create a healing frequency. From Hidden Messages in Water
Water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts and prayers. As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world. From The Secret Life of Water
Consider this as well:
Emoto discovered that frozen water crystals respond to words spoken to and even written on paper and "shown" to water.
Water that is shown lovely words like LOVE and GRATITUDE make beautiful crystals.
Words who are told "You are a fool!" make malformed ones!! From The Lovely Words Poster

This is compelling reason enough to not only speak more kindly to myself, as I suspect the water within us does not differentiate between words spoken internally - as they undoubtedly create a mental vibration - and the words spoken aloud. The internal ones, in fact, might be more potent. But this is also a highly compelling argument for feeding and surrounding ourselves with more positive messages and influences. All this concrete, noise and manipulation of our natural environment...well the water within us probably does not respond well to all of this unnaturalness.
But please, weigh-in for me. I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments.
One last parting thought.
For thousands of years, humans lived in relative harmony with nature. Not only was nature-worship part of our existence, we didn’t have the technological means to manipulate nature for our dwellings and use. Only in the last 2000 years or so, and more remarkably in the last 100-200 years, have humans enacted any real dominance over nature. (Clearly nature still wins in the case of “natural disasters” we’re increasingly experiencing.) This 100-2000 years is a small fraction of time considering Homo sapiens have been in existence on this earth for an estimated 90,000-120,000 years, and our hominid ancestors an estimated 230,000-350,000 years (depending, of course, on the anthropologist and source). Here are two I used: WikiAnswers & HistoryWorld
So we’re still beta-testing this whole, "we manipulate nature for our use” philosophy of living. And maybe none of us will be around when we fully realize whether or not this philosophy will be the demise of our natural environment or of us.
But as much as I love my life, my loved ones, and humankind (however frustrated I may be at times by my fellow humans), in this wager, I must put all my money on Mother Nature.
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I agree Katie. What's really been present in my life is "Thoughts become things." You are what you think. And it's important to be kind to yourself!!