I've mentioned this Raw Papaya Custard on a previous blog or two, so here's the recipe. It's basically a recipe Marcus and I modified from Aajonus Vonderplanitz's book The Recipe for Living Without Disease,
This custard is seriously good. I could go without sex for an undetermined length of time if I got to eat this every day. (Those who know me well know I wouldn't say that about very many things.)
By the way, we gave this recently to a friend who has had chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach wall) and was having a particularly bad bout with some very unpleasant stomach cramps (unfortunately most of the doctors she went to for this couldn't find the cause and concluded it was in her head!). So even though she was trepidatious about the raw eggs and dairy, she tried just one teaspoon of this custard and within a few hours her stomach cramping was gone! She ate a few more teaspoons and kept feeling better. Seriously powerful stuff and it's delicious. Also, it's relatively low carb compared with most deserts and I'm working on making it more so (see Honey/Stevia note below).
Papaya is a relatively low carb fruit (especially if you eat a small, 1/2 cup serving), so that works to our advantage too! Here's the nutrition data for papaya: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1985/2
Here's the recipe from The Recipe for Living Without Disease, modified based on how Marcus and I make it since we've had better luck with this version and it yields a larger amount. Trust me, you'll want to share or have more for yourself.
Makes 2-3 servings (or 4 very small servings)
Papaya Custard
- 1 medium-sized organic Papaya, remove seeds and peel (if you have a different size papaya, modify ingredients accordingly)
- 3 raw Eggs (never refrigerated, from organic-fed, free-range chickens)
- 2 Tbls Raw Unsalted Butter (from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows*)
- 2 Tbls unheated, organic Honey**
- Organic stevia**
Make sure honey was NEVER heated - many honey companies labeling their honey "raw" actually heat their honey to only 110° to make jarring easier, which by FDA standards can still be considered raw, but for our purposes is not really raw (as enzymes in honey are killed above 100°). Pacifica is a good, reliable brand that has an unheated line of honey. Stevia: I'm still experimenting with adjusting the amount of honey in lieu of Stevia. Even though raw honey doesn't spike the blood sugar like other sweeteners, it still adds to my daily net carb total (which is currently below 40), I've been experimenting with decreasing honey and increasing stevia to make this a truly low-carb dessert.
**Raw Unsalted Butter Note:
Unless clearly marked "raw" or "unpasteurized," all butter sold in markets in the United States is from pasteurized milk. This modifies the fat molecule so this is no longer a healing food and the fat is no longer healthy. Rawmilk.com is a great website that lists grass-fed, free-range, raw milk/dairy, and egg farms.
Put papaya, eggs, butter and honey (in that order), in a 16 oz small-mouth mason jar that can fit on an Osterizer blender (they make the right size blender bottom to use mason jars - this is easier for making and cleaning since the jars easily go into dishwashers, but if you must use your own blender jar, that will work okay. A vitamix or blendtec will do wonders with this, but we have yet to procure one of those...
Before blending, place ramekins or small serving bowls (2-6 depending on the size of the bowl) out on the counter, ready to receive the Raw Papaya Custard. Blend all ingredients together on a low speed for a few seconds, increase to medium speed and watch to see that all ingredients are smoothly blended. You may need to shake or wiggle the blender to get the butter and honey to integrate. Once blended, immediately pour custard into the ready bowls as it will begin to set within 1-2 minutes.
Refrigerate to set which typically takes about 2 hours. Please eat within 6 hours for maximum nutrition benefit.
Enjoy and please leave comments on how it goes.
Refrigerate to set which typically takes about 2 hours. Please eat within 6 hours for maximum nutrition benefit.
Enjoy and please leave comments on how it goes.
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[Original published date: Mar 24, 2010]
Thank you for the recipe Katie! What happens if you use regular raw eggs? - Lisa
ReplyDeleteBy "regular" I think you mean refrigerated, store-bought eggs, right?
ReplyDeleteProbably not the best idea, since once eggs are refrigerated, they start decomposing. Now I'm sure most of us have eaten cookie dough, which usually has raw eggs, but I don't recommend this custard with store, refrigerated eggs because you could get salmonella.
But if you can't get to Rawsome, several farmer's markets around Los Angeles have free-range, fertilized, unrefrigerated eggs. So they're a good source. But please keep the out of your refrigerator!
Also, Lisa, since we're friends, I can give you a few of my eggs if you want to try this recipe.
Thanks for writing.