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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Big Break

Every time I read this I cry.

I realize that might sully my reputation as a bad-ass, tough-chic, but what the hell I got permission from my friend who wrote this to share it with you all, so here goes.

My friend in question is the ever talented, enigmatic, pop-rocker, and sick-&-twisted-sense-of-humor-having Augie Alexander. Somewhere between me asking him if I could touch his freshly shaven head - I really did that the first night we met at a San Diego music venue - and recording my first album together over 13 years ago, one or both of us knew this was not a temporary friendship. I plan to have him as my friend til my dying breath. That's how serious this shit is!

(Augie, if this is news to you, too bad. You're stuck with me!)

He gets moments of inspiration, as we all do, and one of the best perks of these moments is being able to share them with friends we trust. So he did. Thanks, Augie.

Here's the letter. He wrote and sent it to me a few years ago, but I revisit it from time to time when I need a reminder or just a little pick-me-up (they're happy tears, people). Would love to hear what you think. Comment below.

One last note before we get to it: If you like what you read, please support Augie by clicking on his name and linking to his website to check out his music and buy a CD.

I had an epiphany at some point in the last 6 months. Since my son was born and perhaps even sooner, I haven’t been playing much music nor have I been recording music. As arguing and tension persisted and seemed to continue to elevate I realized that Jenn and I were separated by overwhelming change. I felt like screaming and did so a few times. Finally one morning, I pulled out my guitar and played two old songs. My voice was out of shape, but I belted them out anyhow and an incredible amount of tension was lifted. At this point I realized. Fame and fortune is the American dream. But I started playing music about relationships and it helped me understand those relationships, heal from those relationships, and interpret my own feelings. I wanted hundreds of thousands of people to understand me. But instead I got a dozen or so people who understand me and one person who stepped forward and said I want to be with you and only you forever. I’m not saying that you should turn down fame and fortune if it comes your way. But I am saying that you touch people when they hear you. You touched me so much I wanted to record you and be your friend for life. Let’s not worry about the people we don’t touch. You have the power to sort out your feelings and thoughts thru music... And unlike many, it sounds good to others when you do. With the exception of RadioHead and a few others, the best music doesn’t appeal to the masses. You are far too deep and diverse for the simple minds of the masses to comprehend. Don’t worry about dumbing down for them. Keep doing what you are doing. We’re listening. You’ve already got your big break. You.


Augie Alexander

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