What's the difference between the Catholic Church and the Mafia?
The Mafia believes in God.
Whether or not you think this joke is funny or not or in poor taste, read on...
Upon hearing that joke, the thought occurred to me:
What would the mafia do if one of their leaders, lieutenants, soldiers, or even just one of their new recruits was found to be molesting children?
Think about it.
If they lived even 24 hours after their secret was found out, they'd be in a world of hurt.
But most likely, they'd have a bulls eye on them so big, you could see it from space.
In fact, if a new recruit were found to be molesting children they'd at least get their package removed in a very unsanitary and unfriendly way (as if there's a friendly way to remove a man's rod and tackle).
But most likely, they'd get wacked and further most likely, they'd get wacked quickly and without sympathy or remorse.
Remind me, what has the catholic church done with child molesters?
How about the Mormon church?
They'd reassign them to another parish. Or they'd cover it up as long as the sinner confessed.
Now this is not to say that I'm condoning organized crime, or the catholic church, come to think of it, but at least the mafia has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to child molestation.
But that's my assumption. Does anyone out there really know?
Please weigh-in and let me know what you think.