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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Laughter: The Great Leveler

These pictures were floating around email for a while. My good friend with a goofy sense of humor sent them to me, and I all but forgot about it until last night when for some reason it popped into my head. Take a look, have a good hump-day laugh (it's Wednesday and a lot of these pictures are accidental humping photos), and let me know what you think.

By the way, the aforementioned friend is someone I've known since childhood (different from the friend mentioned in my recent blog, The Road Less Traveled). We always bonded over our shared sense of humor; enjoying the stupid and silly things in life. He loves the movie Kingpin, which you should check out if you haven't already seen it and you like crude poop and fart jokes and can handle some gnarly inferred sex scenes (you'll understand when you see it). Funny thing is, we have very different views on life now - he's a politically conservative, semi-judgmental Christian, Western Medical-model following, eat-anything-you-want-as-long-as-you-exercise type and I'm, well, not really those things. But I love him, and he compliments my way of life at the strangest times. Once he told me I'd be a great patient because I'm actually willing to change my lifestyle if my health and well being requires change. He's a doctor and told me that most of the patients he's seen a) want a pill to take care of their problems, and b) once they have said pill don't take it as directed anyway.

It's wonderful how laughter is the great leveler. Contrasting viewpoints, backgrounds, lifestyles and beliefs be damned! If something is mutually funny, the playing field is leveled and for as long as the laughter lasts, all of those differences melt away and there's just good old, roll around, side-splitting laughter.

In case you missed why this picture of the Queen is funny: Look closely, but cautiously, between the guy's legs, picture left of the Queen.

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