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Sunday, June 5, 2011

How do people with OCD deal with having a bung-hole?


For anyone out there who finds me even remotely attractive, please be warned, this blog may reduce some of that attraction to me.

We'll be talking about bung-holes and pooh (not Winnie, the other kind of pooh), and OCD, so please, if you'd like to retain your attraction to me, you may want to skip this blog I've written here.

Here's the question du jour:

How do people with OCD deal with having a bung-hole?

I mean seriously. I'm challenged a bit by having a bunghole. I almost always want to shower after I pooh. At the very least I use a chlorine-free, hippie-style wet-wipe to get things cleaner than toilet paper alone could. And since I eat a pretty clean diet, I often go two or three times a day, and showering that many times a day just isn't feasible, for my skin that would suffer, and all the water and time it would waste.

The French have the right idea with bidets, at least you get to wash off the pooh-hole after pushing one out.

But imagine you're a person living with Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD) and you have a bunghole and you pooh, at least three times a week.

I just looked it up and according to the Colon, Cleansing and Constipation Resource Center, doctors say that having bowel movements anywhere from 1-3 times per day or a minimum of 3 times per week is normal.

So at least three times per week your OCD must flare up big time when your colon starts pushing stuff out.

So how do you deal with it as an OCD person? I'm really curious about this.

Maybe it's base or déclassé to ask this question, but it occurred to me recently and I haven't been able to shake the question.

Does anyone out there know? You could leave an anonymous comment if you're a therapist protecting your client's confidentiality or a person living with OCD.

And by the by, the aforementioned, Colon, Cleansing and Constipation Resource Center is an actual business and website. Check it out if you need help with your colon, cleansing or constipation. I wonder if there's an app for that.


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