Basically, you stand or do exercises on a vibrating platform and according to Dr. DeOrio, "I investigated and learned more about whole body vibration and found it not only stimulated the neuromuscular and endocrine systems, but also improved fat metabolism."
I did wonder after trying it out for myself recently if standing on two $15-vibrators from my local adult store would work as well as the high-end, $2000 machine (some lower-end machines sell for as little as $300), but I'm thinking it's not quite the same thing. Funny visual, though.
Focus. Anyway, according to the woman who gave me the mini-presentation, after using the machine for about 10 minutes a day for a few months, her eyesight improved to the point where she didn't need eyeglasses, her hormones regulated (as evidenced by her cycle regularity and skin), and she grew 1 1/2 inches! Another testimony comes from a woman in her mid to late thirties who was having trouble conceiving and had even tried in-vitro. Under a doctor's care she spent about 10 minutes on the Body Vibe machine and was pregnant within 3 months! These are primary and secondary testimonials, but Dr. DeOrio has even more testimonials below. Check it out!
Here's the article on Whole Body Vibration by Dr. DeOrio (our new family doctor until further notice). Please only do this type of thing under the care of a licensed physician, and check with your doctor before trying or purchasing a machine, but there's no harm in reading...
Article from Vibrant Health Wellness Center.
The Body Vibe
A Revolution in Fitness, Wellness and Healing
Keith DeOrio, M.D.
Last year, a fitness instructor patient of mine introduced me to whole body vibration. At first I thought it was just another typical new exercise invention geared toward the gym/fitness crowd. It was presented to me primarily as an exercise machine but with possible therapeutic and medical applications. Those possibilities drew my attention. As a holistic medical doctor with a wellness medical practice, I am always looking for new and better ways to improve fitness and health for myself as well as my patients. Of course, the search is based from a holistic perspective that must be consistent with the body, mind and spirit medicine that I practice and believe in! I investigated and learned more about whole body vibration and found it not only stimulated the neuromuscular and endocrine systems, but also improved fat metabolism.
The Body Vibe is a sophisticated exercise and therapeutic wellness machine that uses vibrational technology based on decades of Russian research and development. During the first extended periods of time Russian cosmonauts spent in space, it was observed they experienced bone and muscle tissue loss due to a lack of gravity. In an effort to stop or reverse these degenerative conditions, researchers were led to the whole body vibration (WBV) technology. Since that first research decades ago, it has been well documented that vibrational technology does in fact repair the bone and muscle tissue loss experienced by the cosmonauts. Of course, this discovery inevitably led the way for the vibrational concept to be applied to the fields of athletics and fitness. The Body Vibe is the latest “state of the art” vibrational technology machine designed for all around physical performance enhancement. It is used widely through out Europe especially by Olympic and top sport athletes. Within the last year, its notoriety and popularity has spread in America as well. Athletic superstars such as Los Angeles Lakers Shaquille O'Neil, 2002 Canadian Olympic Hockey gold medal winner and goalie Ed Belfour as well as the Oakland Raiders and Tennessee Titans are among the first users in America to recognize the incredible advantage of vibration training.
The Body Vibe machine produces equal, if not better, results than conventional training methods such as weight lifting in far less time, with less effort and with much less stress on the joints, tendons and ligaments. Consequently, the Body Vibe significantly reduces the chance for potential injury normally present with conventional training methods.
The Body Vibe produces a vibration at varying hertz (times per second) through which energy is transferred to the human body. This mechanical stimulus produces a subconscious stretch reflex, which results in the muscles repetitively contracting and relaxing vigorously over a preprogrammed time interval. The body rapidly adjusts to the stimulation, resulting in an increase in physical performance and total body neuromuscular balance. This phenomenon of rapid adaptation is called super compensation. Super compensation is the major healing force behind the machines’ profound effects.
The Body Vibe has a 24" x 20” vibrating base plate that the user can either stand on in various static or dynamic positions or can use for massage and other therapeutic applications. The plate vibrates at various vibratory levels ranging from 20 to 50 Hertz .
At this range, the body transmits the vibrational frequency efficiently through tissues, muscles and organs creating the positive stimulation necessary to mimic and supercede the effects of regular exercise. The plate utilizes a three dimensional vibration pattern moving from front to back, left and right, and up and down. It has handlebars affixed to the top front of the main shaft approximately four feet up from the plate. The handlebars stabilize the user as well as providing vibrational stimulation from the handles into the user's upper body through the hands. The top of the shaft houses a computerized LCD display panel which allows one to select settings ranging from time interval duration to varying hertz levels and low and high speeds. Two straps attached to the sides of the base are held by the hands in various exercise positions. The straps are made from a fabric that was found to best relay the vibrations from the base to the hands and into the body.
More than 150 different exercise and stretching positions have been developed specifically for vibration training. The entire body musculature as well as internal organs and glands are affected by whole body vibration stimulation. Muscle spindles fire secondary to the mechanical stimulation produced by the Body Vibe. Rapid firing of the muscle spindle causes an adaptive neuromuscular response leading to physiological changes to the brain and the entire body. Traumas and injuries, even if healed, can leave old cell memories in the brain or body tissue that still impede normal body movement or function. Body Vibe usage allows the body and brain to rapidly de-imprint these old cell traumas and then re-imprint with positive healthy information. Physical therapists around the world have found vibration training to be better and more efficient at resolving injuries from sports or surgery than traditional methods of therapy.
At my wellness center, I incorporate a spectrum of different healing modalities ranging from Chinese Medicine to Homeopathy. The Body Vibe fits right in with my other healing techniques because it enhances the modalities I am already using. Increased blood flow combined with mechanical cell vibration leads to improved distribution and bio- availability of vitamins, nutrients, herbs, minerals and even homeopathics. Once the correct compound is chosen, the most significant factor in getting it to work is getting that substance to those tissues, organs or glands that need the healing. Getting nutrients into devitalized tissue with poor blood flow is one of most difficult things a health practitioner faces after choosing the right compound to heal the problem. Vibration helps to move the nutrients through the cell membrane and into the cell. The Body Vibe is the perfect tool to accomplish this job. Total body vibration causes the muscles, lymph, and cells in the body to contract and relax in a rhythmical fashion. If the right antioxidants, herbs and other nutrients are present in the blood prior to Body Vibe usage, a powerful super perfusion of the organs, glands and tissues is the result. Increased circulation and better lymph system drainage combines to give more rapid toxin removal resulting in more rapid healing and less detoxification side effects.
I believe this machine is consistent with the full spectrum of fitness and therapeutic applications I employ at my clinic. The positive effects of vibrational training are equal to if not greater than a heavy workout regimen. Studies have shown that ten minutes of training on the Body Vibe are equal to an hour workout with weights. This is accomplished with the least amount of stress to the joints, tendons and ligaments making it not only a perfect exercise machine, but an incredible therapy regimen for people with injuries (sports or other types), the elderly or those with disease conditions such as arthritis, fibro-myalgia or MS who are normally excluded or limited from a good fitness program. Long term Body Vibe usage leads to structural and anatomic changes in the body that persist for extended periods of time even when the Body Vibe is not being actively used.
Body Vibe Benefits:
- Increased flexibility and Mobility
- Increased hormone secretion: IGF-1, Testosterone, and HGH (human growth hormone)
- Enhanced bone and muscle building
- Increased lymphatic drainage
- Increased muscle strength (especially explosive strength)
- Cellulite reduction
- Increased circulation
- Decreased Cortisol levels
- Pain reduction
- Increased secretion of Serotonin and Norepinephrine
- Increased T cell count
- Improved vitality and wellbeing
Continued use of the Body Vibe eventually leads to anatomic changes in the cardiovascular system resulting in increased blood flow to the tissues at therapeutically higher baseline levels. Every tissue in the body benefits from the bones to the hair follicles. A new double blind, placebo controlled study from Germany has demonstrated reversal of osteoporosis in a large sample of menopausal females. The results show that the effects of whole body stimulation are more significant at stopping and reversing bone loss than traditional weight bearing movement at a fraction of the time and effort. Taken to the next level, improved circulation to the brain would enhance mental acuity, improve sleep, and strengthen the entire endocrine system which affects growth hormone secretion and therefore increases longevity and aging as well.
Cosmetically, enhanced blood flow and increased cell stimulation improves the integrity of the collagen matrix. This leads to tighter, stronger and more beautiful skin, hair and nails. Many of my patients report improved appearance within weeks after regular usage. Increased oxygenation to the tissues improves the metabolic rate which increases fat and cellulite loss. Just three minute three times per week is enough to cause this fat burning effect.
Infertility specialists from Holland have used whole body vibration to treat infertility. They reported that a group of ten infertile females who failed all traditional drug methods of fertility treatment were instructed to use whole body vibration three times a week for three months. After three months, six out of the ten were pregnant and all carried to term. Increased blood flow to the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, brain and the entire endocrine system is the most probable explanation for this outcome. The Body Vibe is safe to use through out pregnancy. If the right nutrients, herbs and other modalities such as acupuncture had been added to the Body Vibe treatment regimen, a much higher rate of fertilization probably could have been achieved.
About Dr. DeOrio
Dr. DeOrio is an internationally known expert in Integrative medicine. He is a graduate of the University of California/Irvine's College of Medicine. Upon graduation, he completed an internship at the Kaiser Fontana, Ca. Family Practice Residency Program. He attended the UCLA Medical Acupuncture Program and is a member of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Dr. DeOrio received a degree from the British Institute of Homeopathy.
He is a specialist in nutritional and preventative medicine and recently published a book outlining four important nutritional paradigms of the 20th century titled The New Millennium Diet Revolution. Dr. DeOrio created a complete line of nutritional and homeopathic formulations designed to rapidly heal many of our present day, difficult-to-treat conditions. He is proficient in prolo and neural therapy, which is used to treat musculoskeletal and pain conditions that do not respond to traditional therapies.
The DeOrio Wellness Medical Center was featured in ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE MAGAZINES' Ideal Clinic Section. Dr. DeOrio hosted his own national radio show called Natural Health and Healing. He is featured as a guest expert on television and radio as well as print media. His most recent interview was for a segment on the Discovery Channel's "Inquiring Minds" documentary in which he presented a cured case of Lupus documented by laboratory testing and validated by third party medical experts.
Dr. DeOrio treats patients from all over the world and is known for his ability to integrate various treatments in a way that quickly brings vitality back to the patient’s life.