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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Does anyone defecate in Downton Abbey?

I discovered Downton Abbey late, probably two years into the series. I covered both seasons within 3 weeks, binge watching as streaming and DVDs of television series now allows.

I just caught up on all but the final episode of the third season. I'll be watching that sometime this week before season 4 starts on January 5th, 2014...

But something just occurred to me.

Does anyone shit in Downton Abbey? Or even take a piss or wee?

The reason I ask is thus:

We've seen them in bed, at the dinner table (with a revolving door of guests), hunting, gaming (cricket), cooking, fighting, and even kissing & alluding to sex.

But I've not so much as seen a TOILET on this series.

And by toilet for that period, it could've very well been an outhouse.

Here's the other odd thing:

They seem intent on being true to the time period - with clothing & topical war commentary, and women gaining a higher status and louder voice...

So what about the toilets? What about urination and pooping and even the occasional wine-encouraged puking?

Where were the chamber pots or toilets or outhouses?

The series, though controversial and suggestive at times, is still quite prim and proper, so I understand why they wouldn't want to show - either visually or audibly - someone taking a dump or even pissing away! But I don't recall ever seeing or hearing anything about the less fun liquids & semi-solids coming out of the clan at Downton's nether-regions.

Please weigh-in below in the comments.

Maybe they have shown pissing and defecating, I've blocked it because they're all so prim and proper (even the house-staff with their uniforms and protocol) that maybe it would just be unseemly for any member of Downton to relieve themselves. Or maybe there's been a commode or toilet or outhouse in the background and I've forgotten that it was ever in-frame.

If you leave a comment, please share the season and episode so we all can find it!

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